Anyway, two of the items, totalling $30, didn't work out. I tried to return them to a OD store, but apparently if you buy something online you have to return it the same way.
I called the customer service number and told them my sad news: the letter trays were too wide for the slot (Don't ask why I didn't measure before. I was dazzled by shiny wire letter trays that would finally allow me to be organized!) He took the item numbers, told me he would credit my account for $30 and gave me a confirmation number.
Then, NO JOKE, he said, "Mrs. Christianson, you can just keep those items and dispose of them however you see fit. We have credited your account, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will shop with us again."
Maybe the blueberries in my cereal were fermented?
Did I hear him correctly or is his Indian accent playing with the hammer in my ear?!??
So I took another run at it: When will the items be picked up?
"As I said, Mrs. Christianson, we have credited your card and you are free to dispose of the times in whatever manner you wish. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope you will shop with us again."
Unbelievingly, I said, "Okay."
Then I hung up and called back to ask another representative what I had misunderstood.
A lovely Indian woman explained to me that no, my blueberries were fresh; yes, my card had been credited; and no, it wasn't a scam. They have discretion to make the call when the items are not worth sending a truck out to pick up the return.
I think I may have found my calling: Reselling Office Depot items I "return."

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