While I am glad that you didn't win the election a few years ago, or at least you didn't win the court battle, I have not had anything against you personally. I think it is admirable that you and Tipper have been married so long and clearly are good friends. You have raised a family of adults who contribute to society in a positive manner.
And while I haven't watched your global warming movie, I think it is very likely that there is something to what you are saying . . . I mean, God created this planet as a dynamic system and I am sure that when we look back on this time in 100 years, we will see some sort of pattern.
The few months prior to our moving from Seattle, Washington, the weather went from ghastly to downright nasty, freezing, and freaky. After we left, it only got worse.
I didn't let it get me down, though. We were moving to Texas and even without global warming, we were going to be warmer and enjoying copious amounts of sunshine.
In the two months we have been here, I think we have seen eight days of sun. The rest of the time has been COLD, RAINY, DARKLY OVERCAST, and generally miserable, with temperatures topping out in the 30s.
(Not to mention that poor Upstate New York is digging out of an additional five feet of snow after the eight they received last week.) (And also your unfortunate timing last year in keeping a public speaking engagement on global warmining on the coldest day of the year. But I digress.)
Al, what I am about to show you is forecast again FOR THIS WEEK.

So what I wrote to ask, Al, is this: Can we have some of that global warming you've been traveling all over the world speaking and making movies about?
Yours very sincerely,
Kirsten M. Christianson

1 comment:
who misses seattle?? i thought i did last fall and then winter got here and it won't leave. kirsten, i don't know what to say. summer will get here soon enough and you will get an idea of what everyone's been talking about. but, like you, i'm wishing the sun would come out and we could get a taste of mr. gore's "inconvenient truth". unfortunately, this wacked out weather may be a symptom of the global warming he talks about in the film.
WELCOME TO TEXAS!!! our weather has some surprises of its own.
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