So in the interest of dancing with my ambivalence: I write now. (Right now.)

My new baby . . . Isn't CallieRose-Vivienne beautiful?
This in contrast to my nightmare experience of selling my Honda in Seattle, which I will write about today or tomorrow and is guaranteed to put you into the aghast category!
We flew to Plano on 12/13 and spent nine days in an extended-stay hotel. We moved into our new (leased) home on 12/22 (the movers were early!!!). We are rattling around our large home--Thad loves riding his trike through the family room, the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen!
The three weeks between Pete's accepting the position in Plano and our actual move were fast, stressful, sad, and bittersweet.
We said goodbye to dear friends who had lived our stories with us, both as single people and then as DINKs and then as SIOKs!

Pete & the Domainiacs
My BookBabes
I said goodbye to the best educational/transformational process I have ever had.
Generall, we laughed, we cried . . . it moved us, Bob. (VeggieTales)

(Hi Kendall!)
We had friends gifted to us! Jachin and Amanda are sharing their Plano friends James, Amy, and Eliana with us! This isn't actually James or Amy or Ellie; but it's the only picture of a James Wiebe I could find! (Thank you, Google Images!)
And let me introduce you to my new best friends whom I love enough to marry should Pete kick the bucket before me.
Who knew there could be such joy in laundry? I cannot say enough good things about my LG Friends. I feel so badly for anyone who doesn't have friends like these . . . ! Rhapsodize, rhapsodize, rhapsodize!
Thad started pre-school, just two days per week (there's only so much time I can give him up!). He goes to
This week was his first week and he was wonderful! He walked in with a little hesitation but no tears or clinging. (I, however, sobbed in the car both days.) His report cards were excellent!
Our Seattle friends Andrew and Karen came down this week to help us rearrange the house and install Tivo--they are great like that!
All in all, we are happily settled and grateful for a new start in an affordable land!
The words that have repeatedly crossed my mind this last month I now offer as a prayer back to the One who gave them to us:
and Amen.
Thanks for reading!
Kïrsten M. Christianson
Glad to hear you guys are settling in nicely! Pre-school?!? Already? OMG.
I thwarted a book babes gathering last weekend my spraining my ankle and going to the ER. But Julie, Vanessa and I went to see Dreamgirls later that night.
We all want to know when you are coming to town so we can see you!
Hooray! You got set up with TiVo (not that I didn't read the rest)!
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